North American Sieger Show 2013
October 2013
Congratulations to team Canine Extreme for a wonderful showing at the North American Sieger Show in Bridgeport Connecticut.
Both Vegas vom Altenberger Land & Kongo von der Freiheit Wesrholt entered the Working Dog Class (Males) ages 24 months and older. On Friday Colby & Vegas competed the protection portion of the Working Dog Class and Vegas certainly did not disappoint. Vegas gave the protection portion 110% and walked away with 1st place & high honors. Kongo also gave a fantastic showing in protection and easily advanced onto the final phase which took place Sunday.
On Sunday both Kongo and Vegas entered the show ring for confirmation.
Vegas finished at V12 and Kong finished at V1! We couldn’t be more proud of these two dogs and look forward to not only the competitions to come but their progeny as well.