Name: Boss - German Import, SCHH1, KKL, V
Origin: Import Male
D.O.B.: 11.29.2010

Boss - German Import, SCHH1, KKL, V


Boss is a a Wonderful German Shepherd male who was imported from Germany. He has training in Obedience and Protection and is incredibly easy to work. Boss's looks are spectacular and they are only going to get better as he matures. His pigmentation is a deep red and black and his confirmation and movement is out of this world. Boss is certainly a show stopping German Shepherd. He has wonderful character, loves the family and really enjoys his time in the house and with everyone. He is social, sweet, eager to please and has no trouble to take care of the home & and family. Boss's Titles include his V rating, SCHH1 and KKL. Boss would be well suited for a Family/Executive Protection Dog.


Boss's pedigree comes from a line of well structured and good genetic German Shepherds in Germany. His father is V1 Canyon von der Lars Aue who (in person) is a dog most people dream about. He is gigantic in structure, clear temperament, super pigmentation and incredible workability. Canyon is a SCHH3 titled male who is the son to the famous Rico Altenberger Land. Boss's mother is a SchH1 titled female name Falencia and she is the daughter to the VA5 champion Djenges Kahn com Sante's Home. The German Shepherds in this bloodline all have good hip/elbow ratings from tge German SV. They are beautifully structured with good genetics and are known for their deep red pigmentation.

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