Name: Krystal Canine Extreme
Gender: Female
Origin: Florida, USA
D.O.B.: 11.21.23

Krystal Canine Extreme


On Nov. 21st 2023 Krystal was born in our home in Ocala, Florida. From a young age she showed charisma and strength. Krystal has wonderful eye contact, nature drives for the toy and a wonderful disposition for future training. This young pup does not disappoint! Each day she comes out ready to play, learn and take on the world. Krystal is a wonderful body type with a masculine head, rich/deep pigmentation and good substance to the bones. There is no doubt that she will mature to be a stunning female capable of anything life throws her way.


Linebreeding: *Arex Wilhelmswarte(3-)- Oprah Aurelius(-5)*

The father of this litter is a stunning male named Korado Catani Black Avax Hof. Korado has an incredibly masculine structure, deep pigmentation, and powerful movement that help him stand out in a crowd. This has helped him achieve his VA3 rating under judge Wilhelm Nordsieck and his IPO3 rating. The father to Korado is a super dog named Margman Yes. Margman Yes is a masculine solid black male who boasts incredible movement as well as structure. He holds countless titles that include his V rating(LGZS) and his IPO2 and KKL. You can clearly see that these titles are well-earned from the work ethic and power that he shows off. As you look deeper into his pedigree, you will see his father Landos vom Quartier Latin as well as his grandfather Furbo degli Achei. Both Landos and Furbo are incredible males who have made names for themselves in the show world. Landos has achieved his V rating, and Furbo has claimed his V9(BSZS'09). Kimba Avax Hof is the mother of Korado. She is an outstanding female who has great coloration as well as a nice gate and angles. Kimba is an SG rated female who also has an IPO1 and KKL. Kimba comes from a top male who has competed at the highest level named Arex von der Wilhelmswarte. He has earned countless V ratings in his show career, as well as earning his VA6 (BSZS'10) and his, SchH3, KKL.

Daphne v. Holkamper Hof is a German imported female with talent and drives for days! She is sweet, social and as eager to please as they come. In 2022 she competed the USA Sieger Show in the working females, she has flawless protection and is finished V7 in her class. Daphne is a result of phenomenal breeding. Her father Henko vom Holtkämper Hof (V, IPO3, KKL). Henko has extremely rich pigmentation, good character and top work ethic. He has solid bone structure, good height and a very dark mask with beautiful expression in the face. Henko was highly rated in the youth class BSZS in 2016 and is expected to do incredibly well in 2018 BSZS. Henko’s pedigree is one that is very close to home. His father is none other than our very own Fight vom Holtkämper Hof. Fight is rated VA2 (USA’17), V13 (BSZS’16), IPO3 and KKL. Fight is truly a phenomenal male with solid work ethic and flawless character. Fight is known around the world for being a top producer of German Shepherds. In 2017 his son (ASAP v. Aldamar) was rated SG1 in the youth class of the World Championship (BSZS). The mother line to Daphne is full of power and beauty beginning with her dam Oana vom Hotlkammper Hof the VA1 BSZS Champion 2019. Oana is flawless in the ring, her movement glides her across the field in an effortless motion. Oana is also IPO2 and has her breed survey for life. Oana is the the daughter the VA1 (BSZS) Willy vom Kuckucksland (IPO3, KKL). Willy is easily known to be one of the best producers of genetics of all time. In fact the German SV created a study off this dog along to help determine how to get the best results of hips/eblows. Willy is a phenomenal male in the show, loads of power in his performance and effortless movement in the gate. Oana's motherliness begins with a stunning female named Idanja vom Holtkamper Hof. When it comes to females, Idanja is one that stands at the top. She has tremendous movement and structure that make her glide across the ring. Idanja has had an incredible show career working her way up to VA6 at the BSZS in 2016. She also has great working ability and drives, which can be seen in her IPO3 and KKL ratings. Notable dogs from further back in this pedigree are: Peik vom Holtkämper Hof (VA, SCHH3, KKL), Ilbo vom Holtkämper See (VA, SCHH3, IPO3, KKL), Negus vom Holtkämper See (VA, SCHH3, KKL), Flipp & Gandi con Arlett and many, many more.

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