Titles: VA1 (USA), V8(BSZS), IPO3, KKL
Origin: Germany
Available: Live Cover, Frozen
D.O.B.: 08.27.2009
Opus von Radhaus
Opus vom Radhaus is the full brother/littermate to the VA1 BSZS Omen vom Radhaus! He is a VA titled male, VA1 (MX), VA2 (SE), V19 (BSZS), SCHH2, IPO3 and KKL. This is a top quality male and Opus is every bit of what his pedigree is known for. This male is a stunning male with top character, pigmentation, movement and work ethic. Opus is a phenomenal dog and a true pleasure to work with and have as a part of our breeding program at Canine Extreme. Opus is known for producing good quality puppies with solid work ethic, temperament and conformation.
Opus is a VA rated male and an it's absolutely no surprise when you look at his pedigree. His father is the 2X VA (BSZS) World Champion named Remo vom Fichtenschlag who is titled in SCHH3 and KKL. Remo has sired many of our top males at Canine Extreme and is known for his pigmentation, character and work ability. Remo is a flashy dog when you watch him work! Remo comes from top top working dogs that are both titled in SCHH3 and KKL. His father is V Ray vom Fichtenschlag and his mother is Thora vom Fichtenschlag. On the mother line to Opus you with will find a stunning female with beautiful pigmentation and confirmation. Her names is Oprah and she is a V rated female titled in IPO1 and KKL. Oprah is the daughter to the 2X VA (BSZS) World Champion Vegas du Haut Mansard and with titled in SCHH3 and KKL. Oprahs mother is a 2X VA rated female with titles that include SCHH3 and KKL.
You can see some pictures of Opus's parents and grandparents by clicking on the pedigree below. All the dogs you see listed in this pedigree (including Opus) have their A stamp Hip/Elbow ratings from the German SV.
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