Name: Fight vom Holtkämper Hof
Origin: Germany

D.O.B.: 10.13.2011

Hip Rating: Normal
Elbow Rating: Normal

Fight vom Holtkämper Hof


Fight vom Holtkamper Hof is a top quality male out of Germany that we are truly honored to have in our kennel. This incredible male was ranked VA2 at the USA Sieger 2017, V13 at the German Sieger show in 2015 & 2016 with countless V1 victories Fight also holds working titles in IPO3 and Breed Survey KKL. Fight is just as powerful as his name inflects. He is a powerhouse in sport with flawless Obedience & Protection, flashy movement in the ring and a strong presence. Fight is a large boned male with rich pigmentation, well structured head and dark mask. His body type is over all very correct with a firm back and good power when he gates. Fight’s temperament is a dream to work with, this guy really loves to work and is great with the family.

Fight is available for stud: Frozen


Fight comes from a long line of top German dogs and world champions. His father is a top male named Peik vom Holtkamper Hof. Peik is a World Champion male from Germany who is titled in VA (BSZS, B & USA), SCHH3 and KKL. He has strong drives to work and very nice overall body type. Peik is the son of a 2X VA champion named Ilbo vom Holtkamper See. Ilbo rated VA2 (N), VA4 (BSZS), IPO3, SCHH3 and KKL. Ilbo has a very square body type, nicely built chest and good even pull in the back. Ilbo has masculine head structure and nice pigmentation. Fights father line is really known for power, size and workability. The mother line to Fight is built from classic German Shepherds out of Germany with nice body style and color. Fight’s mother is Liselotte vom Holtkamper Hof who is V rated (BSZS’11) and titled in SCHH3. Liselotte’s father is a nicely built male named Eddy vom Holtkamper See who is V rated and titled in SCHH2 & KKL. Eddy has rich pigmentation, masculine head structure and powerful gate when he moves out. The further you look into Fight’s pedigree the better it gets with many notable dogs such as: Yak vom Frankengold, Wallace aus Agrigento, Negus vom Holtkämper See, Zamp vom Thermodos, Quantum von Arminius, Arko vom Butjenter Land, Flipp von Arlett, & Ghandi von Arlett.

You can see some pictures of Fight's parents and grandparents by clicking on the pedigree below. All the dogs you see listed in this pedigree (including Fight) have their A stamp Hip/Elbow ratings from the German SV.

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