Name: Ypps vom Holtkamper Hof
Origin: Germany

D.O.B.: 04.25.2020

Titles: V, IGP3, KKL
Hip Rating: Normal
Elbow Rating: Normal

Ypps vom Holtkamper Hof


Ypps is a stunning large body, masculine male who absolutely floats in the gait and has work ethic that is both flashy and fun to watch. Ypps has made an exceptional addition to our breeding program because he is known for producing himself in looks, character and work ability. Ypps LOVES to work and has ball drive for days. His puppies have proven to be just the same and very excited for the future progeny of this outstanding stud.


The father line begins with Xandur von der Pfalzperle, who is a stunning male. He holds countless titles, such as his V rating as well as his IGP3 and KKL. He continues to improve year by year, and you can tell that he takes after his father. His father is an impeccable male name Henko vom Holtkämper Hof (VA 5, IPO3, KKL). Henko has extremely rich pigmentation, good character, and a top work ethic. He has solid bone structure, good height, and a very dark mask with a beautiful facial expression. Henko was highly rated in the youth class BSZS in 2016 and since then has been ranked VA 5 (BSZS'18,19'). Henko's pedigree is one that is very close to home. His father is none other than our very own Fight vom Holtkämper Hof. Fight is rated VA2 (USA'17), V13 (BSZS'16), IPO3, and KKL. Fight is truly a phenomenal male with a solid work ethic and flawless character. Fight is known around the world for being a top producer of German Shepherds.

The Mother line begins with Vienchen vom Holtkämper Hof (V-BSZS, IPO3, KKL). Vienchen is a stunning female with a flawless body type, good color, strong bone structure and good movement in the gait. She was VA10 (BSZS'18), V6 at the German Sieger, and 5X V1 at regional and local shows 9x SG1 as a young dog. Vienchen’s sire is V Barry vom Julianenweg (IPO3, KKL) who is the son to VA6(IT) Renzo vom Holtkämper See (IPO3, KKL). Renzo is a stunning male with rich pigmentation and a wonderful work ethic. He is known all over the world for bringing color, genetics, and workability to the pedigree. This is not surprising when you look at the long line of World Champions that build his pedigree such as: VA3 Negus vom Holtkämper See (SCHH3, KKL), VA1 Zamp vom Thermodos (SCHH3, KKL), VA6(B) Arko vom Butjenter Land (SCHH3, KKL) & one of our personal favorite VA4(I) V10 Flipp von Arlett (SCHH3, KKL).

** Line Breeding: Peik Holtkämper Hof(4-3) Negus Holtkämper See(5-4) Zamp Thermodos(5-5) Yak Frankengold(5-5,5) *Olina Holtkämper See(5-)- Odin Holtkämper Hof(-4)* *Roma Holtkämper See(5-4)- Raica Holtkämper See(-5), Riska Holtkämper See(-5)*

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